Source Code

Second Hand Fuck

When you fuck someone that's fucked someone else, you second hand fucked them
Also know as a Grade-A power move

I second hand fucked Dylan because i fucked his girlfriend last night.

by Deafblackkids March 5, 2020

Second Hand Vibes

When the vibes from another group or the surrounding area are so good that you begin to feel them. (Also a euphemism for second hand high).

The vibes are vibing so hard that we got second hand vibes.

by Vibe Sauce July 29, 2022

Godwin's Second Law

Many people know of Godwin's Primary Law; as an arguement becomes more heated, the likely-hood of references to Nazi's and/or Hitler increases. His secondary law is that; as the likely-hood of Nazi's and/or Hitler being mentioned in a thread, in direct reference to his Primary law, increases, so to must the chances of his own law being referred to. This will usually have little effect on the actual thread and will merely result in minor lulz.

Newfag: goddamn Nazi everyone knows Fullmetalalchemist is the most awesome anime EVAR!"111!!!!
4channer1: Lol Godwin's law, you lose.
4channer2: lol Godwin's Second law.
4channer1: LOL
Newfag: Wut?

by Roseveare June 17, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second Life Insulter

A "Second Life Insulter" (SLI) is someone who talks totally negatively about the platform Second Life (see Second Life).
They become so bitter usually because they try Second Life, find out how easy it is to have 'hot wild sex' with some 'hot chick'- have their little avatar do so, only to suddenly discover that the person behind that avatar is some fat middle aged guy called Abdul. The trauma makes them so bitter.
SLIer's who have done it MORE than once before they discover that its a man on thee other end (usually by wanting to do voice and therefore HEAR them) can be spotted by the use of the mantra "I at least have a first life"
Please note this line is only used by American and British SL users who do this- as far as we can tell the millions of Brazillian, Turkish, Russian, French, Spanish, Japanese SL users do not use it so much for 'hot sex'.

SLI: Second Life is LAME! It is only used by LOSERS!!
SL user: You had oral sex with a man using a female avi didn't you?
SLI: He said he loved me... (sobs) People who use SL have no life...
SL user: There there, it will be ok... no need to be a Second Life Insulter...

by abdulfromturkey August 10, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

30 second bunnies

a series of films reneacted by bunnies in 30 seconds

30 second bunnies flims include superman,alien,jaws,office space,caddyshack,pulp fiction,and others!

by drizzle be de September 10, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

5 second rule

how long food can touch the ground before germs get to it

i wasnt going to eat this M&M but i just dropped it, 5 second rule!

by zoey July 11, 2004

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5-second rule

A rule that states a penis can touch anything for up to five seconds before the object is considered molested.

Husband: (poking dick against cosmetic mirror)
Husband: Look honey! It's kissing its reflection.
Wife: Urg! Stop molesting my mirror!
Husband: I'm not. 5-second rule! See. Smooch, one second. Smooch, one second. Smooch, one second...
Wife: (leaves to buy a new mirror)

by Happy Jam July 28, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž