Source Code

Sergeant Of Simps

A boy (usually named Tanner) simps over a girl so hard that he gets kicked out of the boys.

Oh boy... Here comes Tanner “The Sergeant Of Simps”

by Rx.420 February 7, 2020

bakugo simp

somebody who LOVES bakugo. some of these people probably hate kirishima, idk.

p1: your such a bakugo simp.
p2: no i'm not!
p1: you literally have millions of posters of bakugo in your room.

by your local mha roach May 22, 2021

Turbo Simp

Someone who is not just a Simp , but a person that goes beyond the boundaries of simpness and reaches new simp horizons

Hey dude , isn't Alexander Turbo Simping for Maria?

He totally is dude . Last night he said he could die for her and she wouldn't have to do anything in return.

by SimpSlayer43413 July 4, 2020

Celluloid Simp

Sometimes referred to as a "film purist", the celluloid simp is an individual who maintains a very strong belief that celluloid film is the only way to shoot a cinematic movie. Despite being more practical, accessible, affordable, and modern than a thin sheet of synthetic plastic, Digital cameras will NEVER touch the hands of a celluloid simp.

A lesser variant of the Celluloid Simp is the Film Fraud: individuals who shoot movies digitally, but then proceed to degrade that nice, clean image in order to mimic the flawed look of celluloid film.

Tarantino: “Shooting on digital is like eating a veggie burger.”
Person 1: "Why does he hate digital cameras so much?"
Person 2: "He's just celluloid simp, that's all."

by D-Cinema April 13, 2023

simping yourself

When you act like a simp and don’t realize it until the act of simping is finished

“Hey michael you were really simping yourself after giving that girl from discoed $200

Shit you’re right I’m a damn simp. Fuck”

by Fetty Waped Me November 24, 2019


The top hierarchical tier and biological super creatures of the simp species. This individual is the leader of the simp nation. There is no point he will not cross as a simp and he places self-dignity at an extremely low value of importance.

An intellectual: Yeah I’d never be a simp, I have way too much respect

Corey: damn I guess we can’t be friends, believe it or not I’m the current Mega-Simp

by Reagan81 May 8, 2020


_*Simps/simds original definition*_-: suckers idolizing mediocre pussy/dick

_*Deeper definition*_: boys/girls who want to be loved so bad that they go through hella shit for the person who they want to love them even though they person isn't worth it

Bro shes such a simd for trusting him again

Dude your such a simp ditching the bros for her

You are such a simp/simd I can't belive you

by Thatbitchjupiter June 1, 2020