Buttoning up your lip means to quit snitching on your people or yourself for your ship is sinking
Yo rat button up your lip your ship is sinking
The hero button is the button on a shirt being worn by a woman with large breasts.
The button is heroic because of how strong it has to be to keep the shirt closed
Her Guilty Gear Giovanna cosplay is so perfect, it even has the hero button perfectly.
An instance within the Roblox game "Juke's Towers of Hell" where sections in a tower that have already been completed are able to be skipped if the player fails and has to replay some of the tower.
"Aw man, I just failed floor 10. Good thing there's button progress."
Commonly used by older mechanics, specifically ones who work on vehicles other then cars. Meaning to put all the plastics, aesthetics, seats, etc. back together because the job on the vehicle is finished.
"The engine is running"
"Great, button it up!"
When your asshole is stretched out from years of putting vegetables in there.
I can’t really do yoga, due to my loose button.
Is your asshole. It's usually pressed while engaging in sexual activity.
"I'm about to cum, hit my booty button. "
A crude term for the "butt-hole".
Guy A-"Hey, I fucked the hottest girl last night after we left the bar!"
Guy B-"Stuff it up your fart button Jim, I saw the hog you left with."