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November 28th National True words day

You say whatever’s on your mind and don’t hold anything back always speaking the truth

Jane)Hey Timmy your looking happy

Timmy)Hey Janes since it’s November 28th National True words day just wanted to say what’s on my mind let you know I want to date you and do some other things

Jane)Say less me too

by GorRhinoDaRealest November 21, 2020

Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian

A book who many schools review from grades 7-9.

It is a torture device which leaves many youths disturbed and bored.

Person1: Did you read the fifth chapter of Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian today?
Person2: Yeah... I don't think I'll ever be the same...

by Jehovas witness October 9, 2020

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Is my eldest Sister my true friend?

Is my eldest Sister my true friend?

Is my eldest Sister my true friend?

by sdinaz October 24, 2023

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

a dinky die ridgy didge true blue fair dinkum dead set wanker

A Fucking Australian

Geoff - "How would you describe an Aussie?"
Frank - "a dinky die ridgy didge true blue fair dinkum dead set wanker"

by AGuyThatPostsStuff April 10, 2014

48πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I hesitate to articulate for fear that I may deviate from the true course of rectitude

I don't know. Literally. It means, I don't know.

Professor: Michael, what is the atomic weight of Uranium?
Michael: I hestiate to articulate for fear that I may deviate from the true course of rectitude.
Professor: What?
Michael: I don't know.

by Moose September 24, 2003

194πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

dinky die ridgy didge true blue fair dinkum dead set wanker

an Australian; a person who is a citizen of Australia

Yes, I'm a dinky die ridgy didge true blue fair dinkum dead set wanker. Welcome to Australia, cobber.

by yorrick hunt June 10, 2008

426πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž

Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me! But then, what am I? Is this me? My true self? My fake self? What is it that I am? Nobody understands me!

Don't quote this in therapy you filthy shinnie.

you know how Shinji Ikari once said: "Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me! But then, what am I? Is this me? My true self? My fake self? What is it that I am? Nobody understands me!" yeah, I relate to that.

by francescunt October 29, 2021

408πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž