Used when one is about to give someone advice or a warning.
A word to the wise— do not listen to toxic friends!
word to bro is a prominent slang in new york very similar to word to my mother but instead it’s to your blood brother or a male you’ve grown up with that you consider to be your brother
dd: these dudes really gettin on my nerve word to bro
quan: word to bro y’all buggin out
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Oh, never mind. Another retard has changed this into yet another one of the sixty flajillion sexual terms already on Urban Dictionary.
A standard UD example of these poor once-normal letter clusters.
Hey, baby, you wanna have a little innocent word?
Word things - challenges set up by teachers and Swots and flash songwriters called wordsmiths to baffle us normal guys.
Me: Hey Donald Trump is using those word things again. Alter ego: You kiddin' Paul Kelly's writin' a song about Corona.
A word phrase is not a word nor a phrase its a word phrase the word nig nog nigger nob is a word phrase
Ayo my nigga is nig nog nigger nob a word or a phrase
Nah my nigga it's neither its a word phrase
When you are trying to talk and you keep stuttering and saying the wrong thing so you have to stop and start the sentence again
Person 1: "It's a god, gog, dog, blah blah blah (pause)... let me start over , it's a good idea"
Person 2: "that's started off as a word fart"