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Wall jumper

A wall jumper is a derogatory name and slur used for Mexicans, This slur was Created by another Mexican in 2021 in June. @aonaran.veronika

Person 1: Dude Veronika is such a wall jumper

Person 2: right like wyd do u want beaner?

by yastepmomma June 24, 2021

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Wall of Shame

A web page with a listing of sex offenders...Example "Megan's Law"....Most counties publish a wall of shame (sex offender) via the sheriffs station.

Because Lawrence Taylor messed with an underage girl and was subsequently convicted he has to report to the sheriffs office to have his mugshot taken and plastered on the wall of shame to alert others a cho mo is lurking.

by Wig Pusha May 19, 2014

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Fury Wall

A wall made 100% of fur, which designed to calm you down.

Dude 1: I think i'm having a heartattack
Dude 2: Just relax and stroke the Fury Wall

by WhiteStagForTheBlind November 23, 2010

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heads on the wall

When a place is awesome beyond any adequate description- like a bar with no cover and 50 cent drafts of beer...with deer heads on the wall. When you know an evening is going to result in many LOLs and OMGs.

no cover and 50 cent drinks, go holla
i got shit faced for only fo' dolla
there are heads on the wall, i'm heads on the wall.


Let's get heads on the wall tonight, I don't have work tomorrow.

by nbflstrikeforce October 3, 2009

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Lickin' walls

one can be said to be "lickin' walls" when they find themselves in a desperate situation where they want to smoke but have no weed and therefore must lick the walls to get the TCH residue out of the walls of the room that is normally smoked in.

You can not actually get TCH from licking the walls and this is just meant to be used to express the desperate situation you are in.

I've been dry for days son. I'm lickin' walls!

by UMBC_Weed_Master March 2, 2010

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Wall Time

Making out up against a wall or being forcibly (but not aggressively) pushed up against the wall in a sexual nature.

Most of the time, girls enjoy this act, but every girl is different.

Just when things were a little stale between Rob and Maria, Maria got a little wall time.

by littlemisunderstood May 7, 2009

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paint wall

Wtf would you look this up if you weren’t bored?

Why the hell did this person look up paint wall?

by Fuckyouruncle April 10, 2020

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