What you do when you are single and broke
I am currently tripping in the bathroom good sir.
A vacation during the coronavirus outbreak where one takes advantage of the low airfare costs to go on vacation.
Jordan: Yo, what you doin in Miami bitch?
Keisha:I took a Rona Trip, ain’t no Corona gonna fuck with me!
It is when someone in the backseat of a Honda Civic riding around town giving hand-jobs to one guy on each side at the same time
She offered us a Cincinnati ski trip on our drive down to North Carolina, all through the smokies
The hottest man to have ever lived
Trip Fontaine is incredibly sexy!
When the rear foot, during the walking stride, is kicked to the inside causing it to trip over the leading foot.
I got wolf tripped by friend, almost fell on my face!
u trip, or u tripp means that you are either doing too much or just anxious, basically another word for trippin
bro u tripp, just stop thinkin about it
Where you go and watch memes nonstop
Yo the other day I watched this meme and then another affterwards dude I was going on a meme trip!