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The little black rubber pellets used for cushioning on artificial playing fields.

You could tell he was in bounds because when he dragged his foot you could see the astro-turds popping up.

by R. Apfelbeck January 8, 2007

Bass turd

A bass turd is fish shit.

There's bass turds around the lake.

by Solid Mantis January 24, 2018

Turd Whistle

A Turd whistle is a Fart. Its a turd honking for the right of away.

"Brrrrrrraaaaaaapp! Did ya hear that turd whistle" "Hey there ya turd whistle" "Hey turd whistle, drop and give me 20"

by fartsupply August 6, 2018

Turd Swatter

A person that we all know very well (there's always one that you know) that doesn't have a clue about anything anyone has to say but will take your last statement and either A, regurgitate it back to you like they've formed their own opinion or B, take your statement and repeat it word for word.
The word is formed using the word "turd" instead of shit to refer to your thoughts and opinions as said above your "shit" and swatter to give the image of swiping/stealing. A basic version of this word would be shit swiper or something along those lines.

The word is also becoming a popular general insult in the town of Cheltenham where the originator of the word currently resides.

you "I really like cheese it's awesome"
Hater of cheese "me too its just so good"
you"which kinds do you like?"
Hater of cheese "yellow cheese?"
you "f**king turd swatter*

by beauwtw January 9, 2013


A Cappy-turd is someone who is extremely complicated yet simple, let me break it down.
Cappy: Extremely happy and positive, but gets in a crappy mood when people don't respond, also fairly annoying & clingy which is unfortunate since they have a good personality
Turd: They have a low self esteem and are a literal turd, this could also be a metaphor for wanting to break free and fly away but there are too many barriers in the way (Cappy-turd = Flappy Bird)
So, essentially a Cappy-Turd is just someone who is crappy and happy.

Did Janey just double text you?? She must be a Cappy-Turd

by ubbi dubbi doo June 4, 2017

Gay turd

When someone takes to much cum in their ass and you poop out sperm

Last night was wild with Mark, I had a crazy gay turd this morning!

by L.A. 31 June 14, 2021

turd burnishing

Trying to polish or perfect something that doesn't benefit from, or is worthy of, such effort.

I spent four hours editing my latest Urban Dictionary entry - I'm such a turd burnisher.

Our boss spent the whole retreat going back and forth on our "Mission Statement" - we burnished that turd but good.

Give David the newsletter / social media project - he loves turd burnishing, and is damn good at it.

by Bono Lex January 31, 2014