Source Code

Civil War

In reference to the American Civil War:

Also known as The War of Northern Aggression. This conflicted started when the Federal Government overstepped its boundaries and interfered in the affairs of sovereign states. Slavery, while an controversial issue, was not the cause of the war, most people in the South were impoverished, and had not slaves. People often justify the war, saying the war's purpose was to "free the slaves." In reality, it was part of an over-arching Federalist conspiracy.

the one in the 1860s. civil war

by don't be a retard March 22, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Star Wars

Beautiful trilogy made by a genius. It has inspired countless video games, books, and fan fiction. Those who have not seen the trilogy yet are sinners, and should repent by watching the movies. The prequels are not Star Wars. They are bastardizations of an excellent story. They don't even make sense. How does such a pussy become the badass that is Darth Vader?

If you like the prequels better than the originals, then you are twisted bastard that would make Hitler vomit! Shame on you George Lucas, how could kill your own work?!

by Karl Marx December 2, 2004

60๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

War Room

noun - in a political campaign, it is the location of the 24-7 media monitoring operation. It also performs other functions such as sending press releases and making YouTube propaganda videos.

War Room staffers tend to be heavy smokers and drinkers who party hard and have highly sarcastic senses of humor. This is a result of working long hours and the thankless nature of the job. While they are known to be very good in bed, they are also very quick to choke out other campaign staffers who impede their work.

"I can't believe that the War Room managed to email the morning newspaper clips at 5am this morning, since they were all at the bar taking shots of tequilla and getting Ledgered until 3am."

by jsm12 December 22, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Star Wars

Best set of movies on the entire history of film making. Set on a fictional universe.

Dude 1:Hey dude,remember that red dude from Star Wars...the guy with two lightsabers..haha..cool right?
Dude 2:Yeah..cool

by Oh Hai I Buffed Your Floor September 25, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


To continually punch one's friends in the arm and they respond back until they either give up or some mature fag asks you to stop it.

Steve: lets have a Jippo-war
John: no thanks man, ive just had an injection

Steve: *hits john in arm*
John: damn stop it. its that fag from yesterday that said he would hit us both if we did this

by jeffysexy December 20, 2006

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Infinity War

that one marvel movie where they killed off all the good characters and left the fuckwits

Peter: Mr. Stark i don't feel so good
Stark: This isn't infinity war this is homecoming you cunt

by Tasty_Spaghetti May 22, 2018

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War nigga

Team killing a friend in an online game

Cameron is a war nigga

by Holdfasthudson July 19, 2019

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