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Rally bait

Someone that totally sucks at life. Cookie Monster would never be rally bait because when he sees a cookie he takes it. Someone who is rally bait is less like Cookie Monster and more like Oscar. Oscar never leaves the trash can, he just waits for someone to come by and pops out with a grumpy face and no cookies.

“Don’t leave your cookies out, that guy will take them.”

Nah, he’s just some rally bait.”

by Yuengling drinker August 27, 2019

Butt Bait

In the morning, you are the first to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. When you return to the bedroom, you see the butt of the person you're sleeping with peaking out from the sheets. Their butt lures you to assume the big spoon position. You've been butt baited.

I got up to get ready for the day, walked back into the bedroom to get dressed when I saw my bed buddy's butt, which baited me back into bed. I've been butt baited!

by Randan69 May 29, 2021

run bait

when you try to chase an enemy in a video game and you can't catch them so you run away or let them hit you a little bit first then run away and hide really close, then they think they got a free kill, they follow and you ambush them and kill them

lmao i run baited that ranged noob, kid thought he had a free kill

by Popsthepops November 17, 2020

Coon bait

When a disc golfer shows up to the course wreaking of marijuana and whiskey. This disc golfer then falls over on every shot and throws all his discs into water hazards, known as coon bait!

Parker had the shittiest game of disc golf today, all he was throwing was coon bait!

by Give me a beer in the c shop August 21, 2021


Wong-bait refers to an esoteric style of jest used with the intent to enrage or disgust a target audience. Wong-bait can also be used as a response to something perceived to be toxic and/or disrespectful.

Person 1: “ Hey do you mind if I go grab a coffee?”
Person 2:“Firstly, I think you need to calm down”.
Person 1: “It’s too early for Wong-bait

by Masta-gambla February 5, 2025

Fic Baiting (v)

When an author intentionally acts like their work is complete until the bottom of the last page, baiting interested readers and inflating their fic stats to further the illusion.

An author I really like just started fic baiting (v) all their recent works and now I don't think I can trust them anymore because nothing they've actually written is finished despite the tags.

by VerbatimToxicology April 3, 2023

drop bait

drop bait is a place in a FPS game where people parachute into the map within the playing field,( like PubG, fortnite, ROS )in one certain place with lots of good loot, normally almost all the players in the game come to a drop bait zone.

dude, dont go to that drop bait zone! almost like, all the players die there man!

by a random guy who makes definit February 14, 2019