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California Hot-Pocket

A California Hot-Pocket is is something one guy gives another -- he pushes a ripe, peeled avocado up a dude's ass and fucks him until he has a cumgasm and makes guacomole, and then makes the guy eat it.

Matt gave me a California Hot-Pocket, and I loved it!

by USAF Cadet December 30, 2021

281πŸ‘ 341πŸ‘Ž

California Turnaround Coffee

AKA Rocket fuel.Coffee so powerful a few cups of it will allow you to drive to California and back without sleep. Usually homebrewed adding more scoops of coffee grounds than usual to the pot.

It's one hell of a drive, I'd better get some california turnaround coffee in before we leave.

by Red_Baron November 17, 2008

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

california crab dangler

The art of squatting over your partner, placing your balls in their mouth a`la teabagging and the proceeding to shit on their neck.

Last night Carla and I got wild and I wound up giving her the california crab dangler.

by D_Bag November 3, 2007

22πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

California potato chips

Cumming onto a vinyl seat, letting it bake in the sun, and then peeling it off and eating it.

The day after getting laid in my back of my car, Trevor ate the California potato chips I left on the back seat.

by DiZhavano March 3, 2018

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Mission Viejo, California

City in Orange County. Mostly all white, upperclass. Filled with 40 year olds who look 20 thanks to monthly botox injections. Kids' first cars are BMWs that they use to drive to gorgeous beaches everyday after school. Perfect weather, natives feel its the center of the world. Quite "the bubble."

You're from Mission Viejo, California? Hows the weather?
Constantly perfect.

by mike rosh October 28, 2006

22πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

california cum fuck

The act of jizzing in ones hand and then using the cum to beat off your friends cock. Usually the person is gay or your just both really horny.

Nick D.: I am horny but i have no girl friend.
Bobby: Me to.
Nick D.: Lets California cum fuck.
Bobby: What!?
Nick D.: I will whack off and jiz in my hand then give you a hand job.
Bobby: OK but keep it quite.
Nick D.: OK here we go.

by kittylitter123 September 14, 2009

12πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

California Sober

When you don’t drink alcohol but you do take drugs.

She doesn’t drink, but she will have a line. She’s California Sober.

by Mahalien January 26, 2022

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