Awesome girl
Great friend
Very loyal
Amazing hair
Every girl wishes she could be like her and be her friend
All the boys love her
Great cuddler
fun loving girl at times
Is nice to everyone
Funny and can make you smile by being herself
Party animal at times
Can be cold but is eventually nice again
Very smart
Loves reading
Best girlfriend
Loves animals
person 1: that girl is such a chloe
person 2: i agree
A dumdum no not the candy a idiot
Son Hey look! A Chloel mom -*pukes* that’s disgusting
Chloe is my boo because she is really smart and swag and I love her very much
Look over there it’s Chloe
I want to be as lucky as her
Chloe is extremely hot with a fat ass. Everyone should be in love with her because she is undeniably perfect. There are no downsides to Chloe.
Did you see that girl with the fat ass? Oh yeah that’s Chloe.
Chloes can be very annoying to be around and are full of sass. Call Dad I feel bad for anyone that has a sister named Chloe.
Boy one: bro Chloe is soooooooo annoying!
Boy two: I know I have to live with that!