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Jersey Shore Drinking Game

A drinking game played while watching the MTV show 'Jersey Shore', which is about a bunch of guidos (even thought they're not actually from jersey) liviing in the same house.

Take a shot when...

◦There’s someone shown lifting weights

◦Someone says the word “classy”

Pauley fixes his hair

An Ed Hardy apparel is shown

◦Mike says “The Situation”

◦There’s a fight

◦A guy appears shirtless

◦A girl appears in a bikini top

◦Someone says “guido” or “guidette

◦Anyone fist bumps

(646): jersey shore drinking game rules must be edited. almost died. how is it possible for a person to say guido that many times

by poiuytrewq987 December 12, 2009

122👍 17👎

family guy drinking game

The Family Guy Drinking Game involves two or more contestants. The contestants watch an entire season DVD of Family Guy episodes.

The object of the game is to imbibe an alcoholic beverage every time a non-sequitur or flashback is made throughout an episode.

The goal of the Family Guy Drinking Challenge is to maintain mental lucidity. After successfully watching an entire season DVD of Family Guy, the contestant who is unblurred and clearheaded is declared the winner.

If the entire contestant group is largely sober after successfully completing the game. Then the game proceeds to another round. Another season DVD is played and the game restarts.

Jeff: GOD! It's Friday night and I have nuthin to do as usual!

Ryan: Jeez calm down bro, I found a drinkin game for us.

Jeff: Like what....Quarters?

Ryan: Nah it's the Family Guy Drinking Game.

Jeff: How do ya play it?

Ryan: Real easy bro, just watch a DVD of Family Guy and drink every time the characters make those "This reminds me of that one time...." flashback jokes.

Jeff: Duuude! That's like a 100 times per episode... Were gonna get trashed!

Ryan: Let's call Seth!

by Define Me! July 27, 2009

68👍 9👎

Orange Cold Drink


2) The proper name for "Orange Soda"

1)"Yo, get me a colrink"
"Sure, what kind?"

2) I'd like an urncolrink, please

by p3nguinpi3 May 25, 2004

2👍 6👎

I'm never drinking again

A LIE we tell ourselves after drinking too much and suffering through a hangover in the futile hope that one will never again suffer the hangover. It is also an indication that events proceeding the hangover consisted of many things awesome that came from what sober people would consider a bad idea. In all cases this statement is a lie, as the person will undoubtedly drink again.

Guy 1: I'm never drinking again

Guy 2: Shut up, you'll feel better after you eat breakfast.

Guy 1: Okay, what's for breakfast?

Guy 2: Eggo waffles and beer, we ran out of syrup so here's some more beer.

Guy 1: ...fuck

by Bitch Puddin' March 3, 2012

70👍 9👎

Fox News Drinking Game

A drinking game that can be played almost any time of day.

This is the "minority" version.
While watching an opinion program such as "Glenn Beck" or "Huckabee" watch for shots of the audience. If you see a Mexican you do 5 shots. An African American: 4, and Indian 3,an Asian 2, and 1 for anybody in between (non-white). You will most likely be able to drive home afterward.

This is the "constitution" version.
While watching "Glenn Beck" listen for any vague references to the constitution. Also listen for random buzz words such as "liberty" or "founding fathers". Take shots accordingly.

This is the "propaganda" version.
While watching any Fox News at any time, watch for Nazi or Soviet propaganda take shots accordingly.

We got wasted playing the "Fox News Drinking Game"

by ADMIRAL Obvious June 13, 2010

92👍 15👎

drink your own bathwater

v. A metaphor for a person or a group of people believing their own lies and propaganda. The effects of doing this can be comical, e.g., Baghdad Bob, but this is usually the harbinger of the demise of the practitioner(s).

When Mikhail Gorbachev instituted Perestroika and Glasnost, it was obvious that the leadership of the Soviet Union was having a big session of "drink your own bathwater," assuming that Communism was actually about helping workers. Glasnost exposed the average Russian to the lies they had been told, particularly about how awful their standard-of-living was as compared to the West. Subsequently, Gorbachev and the Soviet Union lasted only six years.

by Dan Weyandt March 27, 2013

233👍 43👎

day after drinking shits

the nasty, extra smelly and sometimes explosive shits that occur following a hefty night of drinking.

TP: "Fuck I really tied one on last night!"
Pete Dick: "How you feel?"
TP: "Other than the day after drinking shits, pretty good."
Pete Dick: "delightful for ya"

by Pete Dick March 19, 2008

48👍 6👎