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el novio

el novio means boyfriend and why you trying to get one your a lesbain or gay

my el novio is the best there is from lisa richard

by the person with a good vioce December 30, 2017

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El Monko

Human form often reffered to as Tony, Monkey, Chunk oh and often you hear his name combined with the words fuck off and stop touching me heaven knows why.

Oi Monkey fuck off.
Oi stop touching me you perv.
Hey its healing up Tony your gonna need to sort that out.

by The Mighty Phil April 30, 2003

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A really annoying yet catchy phrase said by my friends... Meant to be a parody of all these words that are said to sound cool..

'That song is so coo-el!'

by Holly September 4, 2004

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El Toxico

Someone that can steal your bitch at any given moment

El Toxico is just Toxic

by Rody17 March 23, 2022

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El bruh

When you want to say bruh but want to have it personalized say el bruh. Uh haha just do it

el bruh what the heck

by Phsm October 3, 2019

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El Max

The very maximum. Practiacally exceeding the limit. More than most and mostly more

Those carrots were tasty to El Max.

by Sean McNulty November 9, 2006

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el-bro grease

A racist term employed by rich people to refer to the practice of hiring blacks or Mexicans to do work that they feel is beneath them. The "el," in "el-bro grease" means "the" in Spanish and therefore represents Latinos and "bro" is short for "brother," which is slang for an African or African-American.

My good man! That was a smashing round of golf. Whoa! What did you shine the rims of your Lexus with? Dog shit? Might I recommend a full-service car wash where they will use plenty of el-bro grease to polish those to a sterling luster?

by Genital Colon Bowel November 8, 2012