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Emo- a troubled misunderstood individual who is still trying to figure out who they are as a person. Emos do not all self harm,listen to scream o, or hate themselves or everyone else. Often bullied for the style of dress. Music genre and sexuality. Emos listen to music which has meaning In lyrics and can be related to

Sam is emo.
Emo is depression.
Look its emo kid.

by the little emo kid November 18, 2017


Countess Whitfield

Countess Whitfield is so emo, she fell apart

by Phannnnnnntresh March 13, 2017



THE MUSIC- emotive hardcore- was an offshoot of hardcore music charegterised by lyrics with deeper darker emotions/ topics. People who enjoyed this genere of music were called Emos

THE LIFESTYLE- Today we have people who call themselves emo- The music created the emo lifestyle- thus emo kids Emos are people who listen to emotive music and embrace a specific style- Usualy envolving- wearing all black/darker colors- side swept hair over 1 eye- Heavy eyeliner- and expresion via music writing songs poetry ect. There are no specific guide lines to emo.

(Emo Myths)

1-All emos cut/ self mutilate?
Not all emos cut- there are always crazies in the mix but not all emos cut themselves- cuting has nothing to do with emo

2-Emos are always sad?
Emos are usualy more sensetive than average and express their emotions in their own way. But emos are not always sad Hapyness is an emotion 2 Emos can smile laugh and have a good time like evrybody else Most are just shy

3-Emos are all just posers seeking atention?
Emo is a steriotype- people runing around showing you their cuts, crying, saying "im so emo" Are posers trying to fit a steriotype to be cool But there are people "Real emos" who live the lifestyle, love the music, and expres their emotions bechause its who they are the way they are these people are not posers- they dont try to be anything other than themselves and are great people/ loyal frends

Real emo-"RE" vs Poser emo-"P"

"P"-*siting in corner sobing* T_T

"RE"-whats wrong? O.o?

"P"-My girlfrend dumped me so im carving her name into my arm... im so emo. T_T

"RE"-Um...Why...? shees just a girl- there are more? its not the end of the world? O_o?

"P"-She was the only one for meeeee!!!! *cries histericly* there is nothing left worth living for!!! I need to cut her name into my soul so when i hang myself later she will see what a horible person she was for breaking up with me.... i will write about her in my suicide notes- and tell all the people i hate how much i hated them! like how my parents made my life miserable by trying to make me happy!!! im so emo. DX

"RE" Dude i dont blame her for breaking up with you- your crazy- you need to get a life and probably some therapy? plus your a strait up poser... >_> *walks away listening to ipod*

"P"-Kills self Later listening to Dashboard confesional... X_x
*nobody shows up to the funeral*

by Black Dragon Blood October 10, 2010


Somebody, more often than not an attention seeker, who is/acts as if they have depression, suicidal tendencies, social anxiety, and other mental disorders. They tend to wear black and red, and usually wear their hair over one or both of their eyes. Not every emo is an attention seeker, many people just like the style of it. Eyeliner and the g note appear to grab their attention.

Little Jimmy with his hair dyed black, his eyeliner on, his stick on tattoos, and a black My Chemical Romance Sweater: Mom, I am officially emo.

by olive dot com March 30, 2018


Emo is NOT a genre of music, or a grop of pissy fags. Emo is the way they dress, they act, and their perspctive on things.

the way they dress: usually choppy, long, "swooshy" hair. Either Black, bleach blonde or brunette. they have lip, ear, and nose peircings and where black eye make-up. the bangs cover the face and they wear a assortment of rubber band braclets from hot topic or spencers.

The way they act: known to be very romantic, sensitve, mysterious, and shy. But once you get close to one they open up to you and are always there fr you no matter what. so to all them bitchy preachers who think if we wear chains and such, that we are devil worshipers (which some are) fuck you. it's who we are. its what we want. If we gived a fuck what other people thought, we probably would try to fit in with them.
They call us clones, have they looked at themselves??? all kakie shorts and abercrombie bs clothesthat cost 50 dollars for clothing that rips when you put it on?? at least our clothes last.

we also really enjoy music. we love music. it gets us going and gives us this feeling in our chest that makes your heart beat fast and moves you.

Preppy kid: oh look, its the emo fag!
emo kid: oh look its the kid who has to go to parties and get drunk to actually be somebody

by skittles <3 April 13, 2011


a loser who has no life and spends most of their time in the emos discord server, usually depressed or gay. they find saying fag funny and im honestly suspecting at least 30% of them are under the age of 10.

conan - did you hear about that emos server? you should join
dio - oh okay

by CaseToonz January 30, 2022


A style of clothing and music that includes black along with accents of neon, skinny jeans, long hair and bangs that fall partly or completely over one or both eyes, usually angled. Some emo guys wear eyeliner. Emo music can includes screaming, along with singing. It's a type of metal. Emo music can be screamo, death metal, emo-core, alternative, etc.

False Stereotypes:

NOT ALL EMO PEOPLE ARE DEPRESSED. There are plenty who are happy with their lives.

NOT ALL EMO PEOPLE SELF-HARM. Self-harm and emo style have nothing to do with eachother. There are preppy people that self-harm, as well as emo people. Self-harm is a serious problem that should not be laughed at or looked upon as wierd or crazy.

NOT ALL EMO PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR ATTENTION. Of course some are. But not all of them. Some preppy people look for attention too.

Emo clothing: Hot Topic

Emo bands: Bring Me The Horizon, A Day To Remember, Asking Alexandria, Black Veil Brides, blessthefall, The Word Alive

by dcXDrp973 April 9, 2011