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Oh, I feel bad

"Oh, I feel bad" is a phrase used by people that don't really feel bad, they're just trying to make you think that they are nice and actually feel something for someone else. It's typically used in a very condescending manner as if to say "that poor creature is so pathetic".

Nancy: Hey Julie, who is this tard sending me a facebook friend request.
Julie: I don't know....oh wait....I think he's the slow kid that use to run around collecting the basketballs in High School. He just sent me a message saying he misses seeing me everyday.
Nancy: Didn't you graduate from High School 20 years ago?

Julie: Yes, creepy....Oh, I feel bad....
Nancy: yeah, right...sure you do Julie.

by Nanski May 25, 2011

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no i feel like boo boo

no i feel like boo boo

From the movie β€˜Jennifers Body’

it’s like when you feel greasy , bad , like all these things
β€˜You look really tired is everything okay?’ β€˜No i feel like boo boo’

by PiggyOink123 March 16, 2023

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i don't feel like eating

When you are not hungry but probably will be after everyone has already eaten.

Person 1: We are going out to eat. Wanna come?
Person 2: No. I don't feel like eating

by ThisNameIsMadeUp1122 May 28, 2017

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you feel a sniper scope watching you

Mercenary’s were deployed into the isle and are after you but there is a fucker we all hate The Sniper he will fucking ruin the roblox isle experience for you.

*Walks into the open not to far from mercenary’s* "You feel a sniper scope watching you." "Mother fucker-"

by sniperphobia February 22, 2021

can you feel it now mr. krabs

Art Thou feeling it now Mr. Krabs...
the question that has stumble philosophers for ages. What if Mr. Krabs can feel it without feeeeeling it?

Can you feel it now Mr. Krabs

by Wumbologist12345678989 December 18, 2013

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one day feels like three autumns

a chinese idiom that is used when you miss someone so much,
one day feels as long as three years.

When I'm without you one day feels like three autumns

by cakeloufornia May 17, 2015

tell me how you really feel

The expression "tell me how you really feel" is said in sarcasm and irony after someone has said an anger or hate-filled statement, drawing attention to the anger and hatred (and implicitly mocking it).

Jon Stewart: Deep dish pizza is not only not better than new york pizza; it's not pizza. It's a fucking casserole. ...Chicago, I love your city, it’s one of my favorite places to visit… but deep-dish pizza is like a huge, crusted-over pile of diarrhea
Audience member: Damn Jon, tell me how you really feel

by ShadowVicious July 29, 2021

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