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got/has legs

Its a term in wine tasting for elite it refers to a certain action done to wine and then a moment of pause before examining the body of the wine.

It could be related to the aromatization of the wine.

The taste-tester was scouting if the wine got/has legs!
The wine savignonant knew he had a quality wine that got/has legs

by Punkroku February 11, 2021

got on your head

When a tough bitch tells you off.

When a girl roasts you so bad, other people you don't even know have to join in.

"Damn, she got on your head!"

#pressed #girlpowerbitch!!!

by #######ggirlpower October 30, 2017

tree got planted

An easy deal that a gang has secured, meaning they've transitioned from the seed to tree instantly.

"howd it go wi the plug g"
"Easy dog tree got planted"

"Mapped out this guy gettin played out"

by Alezis August 13, 2018

jacob got em!!

when someone pulls a funny prank on someone else you expected to scream "Jacob Got em!!". originated from a group of annoying kids from queens New York.

*kid pulls down some girls sweat pants*

other kid yells out haha "Jacob Got Em!!"

* they all smile, laugh, and walk away*

by dicks4lifee123 December 30, 2011

SCP got Sound

A singing talent show for SCPs

Announcer: Welcome to another edition of 'SCP got Sound'!

by big black n world balls hd November 8, 2022

You got stephen’d

To be stephen’d is to have met a guy who says one thing then acts another. Gets you to fall in love with him by saying all the right things. Then ghosts you after several months of spending copious amounts of time With you.

Girl: I love him but he won’t talk to me anymore
Friend: girl You got stephen’d

by Hurt one too many times August 4, 2018

you got words

it means that you wanna verbally fight which could turn to physical fighting

Rori: such a bitch
Jenna: You got words sis? Lets hear them.

by jayfromtheway September 13, 2018