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Last minute Nelly

Just last minute innit

Last minute Nelly acchosts close to the deadline.

by ToniRSol August 24, 2021

Last-minute Nelly

Someone who chronically finishes task at the last possible moment.

"Anton is such a last-minute Nelly, she achosts at the last possible moment"

by ToniRSol August 24, 2021

Woavyy Minutes

2 regular minutes is equal to 1 Woavyy minute

Mrs. Smith can I please have snevn more woavyy minutes

by Snevn July 2, 2024

Juan Minute

Juan Minute
A minute in which a person or persons is more productive than most individuals would be in a normal minute

That fence only took Juan Minute to build

by bayster127 July 1, 2019

Seven Minutes

Being someone’s seven minutes or being in someone’s seven minutes. Psychology says when you die, you are still partially conscious and your brain reviews the best parts of your life for seven minutes. If somebody says that to you, it means you have impacted them in a good way to the point they'll remember you at death.

You’re my seven minutes.” He said to me.

by Kanehxd March 27, 2024

Five minute nathan

He thinks his god, he thinks his amazing, he works at B&M and everything's done in 5 minutes. His short, his a idiot and most of all his a loser!

Itll be done in 5 minutes guys! Five minute nathan!

by The secret grafter November 8, 2020

25 Minutes To Go

A song originally by Shel Silverstein, popularized by Johnny Cash. The song is about a man on death row on the day of his execution counting down the time to his demise minute by minute, from his last meal until the hanging.

Despite being very dark, the song is considered quite humorous due to Johnny Cash's hilariously animated music video to accommodate the fact that he would die if he tried to re-enact the execution.

Despite a blatant error near the end where he says "Seven more minutes to go," instead of "Four more minutes to go" (which was later corrected in the live version), the song was very well received. Johnny Cash's darkest songs tended to be his most amusing ones as well, after all.

Well, they're building a gallows outside my cell...and I've got 25 minutes to go
And the whole town's waiting just to hear me yell...I've got 24 minutes to go

by Someone who kinda exists July 31, 2021