Something a girl says after you ask whats wrong. You messed up in some way and she thinks you know about what you did. Usually done over text.
you: whats wrong?
Her: nothing....
you: oh okay
Her: You know its funny how...
A phrase used usually to praise a friend on the way they look, similarly to saying that they look like a snack
*Olivia is wearing a body hugging dress and is looking hot asf*
Heidi: DAYYUMMMMM LIV, I didn't know it was snack time. !!
On February 17th kick a guy or girl name Johan, then say sheeeesh.
Johan: hey bro
Guy:*kicks* sheesh
Kick a johan you know day
A term asked by Google and other websites, asking if you would give them your location so they can sell it and get money.
“Google would like to know your location.”
“Hell naw!”
You see an expecting mother and you think we know what you did.
We know what you did mother to be.
A common response that happens when an asker made a point
but the receiving end felt offended and looked down on the question.
Then quipped by the receiving end!
A: Hey any tips on how to make money?
B: I don't know what that means.