Source Code

Chat Lock-In

A chat lock-in is a situation where a person locks you into a one-way conversation where they proceed to tell you every detail of whatever comes to their mind without letting you add to the conversation or politely end the conversation.

Once in a chat lock-in it is very difficult to end the conversation and you must find or invent new and enhanced methods to escape this lock-in.

Get away. Get away as fast as you can.

Person one: Huwww boy, what a day.

Person two: Really, what makes you say that?

<commence chat lock-in>

Person one: <Proceeds to talk endlessly about subjects which are vaguely related to your original question>

by Cogarius October 13, 2014

Shmeil Locks

The curlies that come down from the side of the Jews face in New York City and surrounding areas.

Do you have any jerricurl activator for my shmeil locks?

by Charles Lee Ray Xavier August 9, 2011

Lock Thrilla

Someone that holds someone's pocket in prison.

That's Treyvon's Lock Thrilla

by Heister Fucks Cats October 25, 2023

Lawn Locked

Completely surrounded by suburbs.

Shit man yous lawn locked.

by Justpickoneman July 10, 2017

egirl locked

when ur dodging ur friends to play or talk to a egirl.

u tryna play fortnite

sorry dude im egirl locked.

by Bigjimmy36 November 20, 2023

Lockity Locked In

This motherfucker locked in so hard that he made his nut sack into pure fucking gold. He has surpasses the regular people that have "locked in" and has build all the bitches from the beginning of time.

Joe: You locked in
John: Yeah
Joe: How locked in

John: Lockity Locked in
Joe: Shit don't take my girl bruh

by Just that one guy February 23, 2024

stum lock

When you get hit in the genital area and it feels like your testicles are locked inside your stomach

Friend 1: Hey man are you alright?
Friend 2: Yea, Gary punched me in the balls and now I have stum lock

by fuwefowepcbwopc January 6, 2019