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music wardrobe

Your playlist of songs on your MP3/iPod.

Man... it's about time I updated my Music Wardrobe.

by Semaj619 March 19, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Musical Snob


A bitch who thinks that they are more superior in music than anyone else. They also don't think of music as the best unless they like it. Usually a show off that wants attention and considers themselves as a "prodigy".

=Plural (Musical Snobs or GROUP NAME Snobs)=

A group that thinks they are the best. It can be from choir, band, drama, etc. Usually advance always bitch about how they are more better than their "low classes", but sometimes (usually high school), beginners or amateurs think they are the best than a "middle class" thinking that their director put them their so that they can see how good he/she is (musical snob). They don't get the gist of having fun and think of every concert as a "competition".


Girl 1: Geez, I can't believe that stupid director put me into this band. I can play clarinet so much better than them, I should be in Symphonic not Concert! Hey everyone! I look what I can play! *playing some song no one heard of"

Girl 2: What a musical snob. I would like to shove that clarinet right up her ass!!

Group: Me too!


Chamber: Juuubiiilllattee DEEEEOOOO

Concert: Geez, look at them, one of them almost tried to trip me during our entrance!

-After concert-

Chamber: Aw, look at the Concert, don't worry you'll be in Chambers when your like 20.

Concert: Shut up bitches!! Who wants to even go to a group that doesn't even understand the meaning of fun?

Chamber: My throat soars.

Concert: That's what you get for singing like an ass! Chamber snobs!

by filipinoy91 February 13, 2010

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car music

Music with either a thumping bass sound or a consistent beat you can dance to (in your car seat). Usually heard when you pull up to a stoplight and the guy next to you is rocking out to his stereo.

this is car music, ice cube is very very cool ups no no๏ปฟ he is not cool he is a GANGSTER

by iKat June 14, 2009

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face the music

to receive the rebuke that one is due for

Everyone who does something contoversial has to face the music eventually.

by Light Joker October 27, 2006

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Indie Music

Original meaning: Any music that produced and released by independent bands or independent record labels, and consumed by adolescent and adults under 35 yro. Most of such music are produced with a low to moderate budget.

Modern meaning: bands with <100k likes on facebook and not on any major labels. music they produced and released is considered "indie". But some of these bands are signed to subsidiaries of major labels, ie. Interscope, subpop...etc. In that sense, they shouldn't be considered "indie", rather major label artists with an "indie" aesthetic preference for marketing purposes.

arcade fire, mumford and sons, modest mouse, lumineers, mgmt,///indie music///

by radchillradchill October 2, 2013

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pop music

Pop music- n. Music that is, as the name suggests, popular among music listeners. Pop(ular) music can be anything really, dance, hip hop, rock, etc. Pop music also varies from country to country, and can be considered to vary even in different areas (what's popular in Midland, Texas may not be as popular in London, for instance...heck, they may even be the same sometimes, who knows). Popular music is not really a genre, but rather any kind of music that is spinning round and round the minds of consumers.

Elvis was popular in his time, so were the Beatles, Nirvana, COUNTLESS folk acts, and well, you get the idea. Popular music is just a term used to designate whats hot on the pulse of music. Just because a lot of people like something doesn't make it bad (not to say that I don't dislike some, if not a lot of pop music personally) because heck, maybe the collective consciousness can come up with some good ideas sometimes, eh? If you just listen to a band because it is not well known, or refuse to listen to a band because it is popular (God forbid you do both), then you are listening to music for all the wrong reasons, and should look into joining a secret club to satisfy your superficial desires to be "cool" because the cool folks just do whatever the heck they want, we dont care what the critics say, even if its good. Thats how cool we are. ;)

by The King of Californitopia December 28, 2005

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Nintendo Music

Archaic, less sophisticated (but no less complexly arranged) music accompanying early 8-bit video game system software. Not applicable to anything past 64-bit systems. Not limited to Nintendo's hardware/software systems.

Atari's TAPPER
TETRIS in any of its variations
The original SUPER MARIO BROS.

by Jiggy-Fly December 22, 2003

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