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Caveman Slap

The act of shitting in the pocket your hand. Followed by you slapping the face of your partner making it look like they've been slapped by a cave man with filthy hands.

"Tilly was extremely upset about the Caveman Slap she had recieved hours earlier because it still smelt horrid."

"Cletus suffered severe cramps from laughing so hard after he slapped Tilly in the face with a handfull of shit, caveman slap style."

by Dal-Dal October 11, 2006

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stool slap

the action of eating your own shit, then licking someone

OMG Rebecca just came in from outside and stool slapped the shit out of me!

by kemlebder March 31, 2020

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Tribal Slap

Cumming in your hand and slapping your partner in the face leaving a white mark.

Dude, I totally Tribal Slapped this chick last night!

by Booger Balls May 2, 2010

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Beer Slap

The act of pouring a small (you dont wanna waste) quantity of beer into the palm of your hand and then slapping someone. The beer makes a good sound and also leaves the person with a beer smell on them all night.

After he insulted me I gave him a beer slap.

by Stuart Fleming June 7, 2006

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slap cheeks

to slap cheeks is to bang. when individuals join in intercourse, the sound of their bodies is what slapping cheeks derived from.

-you tryna slap cheeks in my basement?
-no thank you good sir.

by cheek slapper June 19, 2018

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nobby slap

a powerful slap to the back of the head by nobby.

you just got nobby slapped

by overdrive123321 April 5, 2008

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The act of offering one's seat on public transport (most commonly the Subway) to a lady who appears to be pregnant but who is, as it turns out, just a bit fat.

John: Excuse me ma'am I see you are with child may I offer you my seat?

Natasha: What, bitch? Are you fat-slapping me!? I'm gonna beat yo' sorry ass!

John: Fuck off.

by J-Sox August 2, 2009

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