A time in a womans monthly cycle where no plug, pill or man can stop the blood river from flowing.
My wife came home and i asked "Why so serious?", she said "Shut up man, i'm on a Master Period!"
A period after a Civilization Collapse where the survivors can live off of the technology and products of the destroyed society. After which, will deteriorate into uselessness.
The Grace Period will give rise to a generation of scavengers who will cannibalize the remains of the previous civilization.
when you have ass wax all the damn time and it takes you at least 5 minutes to get it all off. Usually results in an assbleed.
Hobo 2: Hobo 1 get out of the bathroom. All the food is almost gone
Hobo 1: I have PERIODIC ASS WAX SYNDROME. Remember?
Hobo 2: Oh yeah nvm.
The gaming period is similar to the thing girls do but is unisex.
During your gaming period, you get really toxic and have short tempers.
Sorry guys, I'm on my gaming period.
When a female goes to the male bathroom, and then picks up the toilet seat, and has her period in a counterclockwise motion on the lower part of the toilet seat, thus making a painting. Note, this must be done in a clockwise motion on National Holidays.
If a male does this with urethral bleeding or anal fissures that are in stream form, this is called the South Korean Sunset.
Period ahhhh period uhhhhh
A term everyone uses when something is super slayyyy
Chads dick was period ah period uh