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Fortnite is cancer.

Credit to Leo Kun for the definition.

"Hey I just got diagnosed with a cancer. In the field of Bioligy it's called Fortnite."

by LeekCreamWithBacon January 14, 2021


A disease which is caused by stupid things, but somehow magically became trending (mostly from 12 years old kids on the internet).

Boy: Hey mate check out my fidget spinner!
Me: Stay away from me, there's too much cancer in it!

by Daufq da Gamer March 23, 2018


cancer also known as Jake Paul is a idiot who makes videos on youtube at one point having millions of subs but then losing it all because they are a fucking idiot

"hi have you heard of that youtuber cancer"
"yea he is an idiot"
"i know he is like Satan himself"
"yea man he deserves to get tons of subs again then lose it all again"
"yea bro that's probs true"

by hasijgbhjkbvudhvudsjhbjdsbhvks May 13, 2020


Jake Paul

Bruh. It’s cancer

by GucciRang March 1, 2018


Americans(for AIDS, look up "British")

It's a shame coronavirus didn't kill every single one of them. Those cancer cells have been wrecking havoc on the rest of the world and getting away with it for far too long.

It's funny how the cancer cells are now protesting against the war in Ukraine, when they ARE the ones pushing for war with Russia in the first place.

Never let the American out of its cage, it will metastasize and the entire planet will get cancer.

Foo: Hey, did you know that the US uses most of its tax money to fund Israel's Iron Dome?
Bar: Cancer feeding cancer, what's new?

The cancer cells of the world are more preoccupied of political correctness than actually contributing to society, so I'd say China is going up against an opponent who has idea how to breathe on its own.

There is no such thing as an anti-war American, that's like a non-malignant cancer cell. It's an oxymoron.

News reporter: "...the failed coup d'état in El Salvador was later revealed to be backed by an "anarcho-communist" group based in San Jose, California".
A: That was an example of the metastasis of cancer cells, kids. Early diagnosis is key, the earlier they're found and treated, the better the outcome.

by ilikemayonags April 16, 2022


A Term used by WR- players to describe the build of an Spectre (4 weapon slots) with 4 Shocktrain's (Noobtrains)

player 1: Ah today there were again so many spectres with shocktrains.
player 2: Yeah they are true cancer

by Mähar July 13, 2018


Jake Paul.

Jake Paul is an actual cancer cell

by dickface.com August 19, 2017