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Nip flip

To flip a female or male’s titties

C’mere so I can give you a nip flip...

by Scrooble dong likes MacDondles December 19, 2018

flip and grip

The act of flipping your smart watch where it's on the underside of your wrist so that you can simultaneously watch porn and masturbate

Just remember to put your watch back in the normal position lest someone suspects you of conducting a flip and grip session in the office closet.

by Goosed12 August 28, 2015

strawberry flip

Turning your crackhoe that trades sex for drugs into a prostitute in your pimp stable

Damn that crack ho be fine I'm all bout' to strawberry flip that bitch and get her by my side working that for me

by Brogantac April 22, 2017

Matrix Flip

A combination of LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DXM (preferably freebase powder, hbr or polistrex is very dirty feeling, and drinking cough medicine sucks. Can also be substituted with another dissociative like ketamine or MXE, but a traditional Matrix Flip involves DXM freebase) and then, while peaking on all three, blast off on DMT. First, you take the LSD. An hour later, you take the mushrooms (I prefer brewing them in to tea while waiting on the acid to kick in, add some honey, delicious.) And wash down the DXM freebase with the mushroom tea. After about an hour, you’ll be primed to Matrix Flip repeatedly for the next 4-6 hours. Just blast DMT at-will at that point.

We went camping and Matrix Flipped under the stars, it was as if this universe didn’t even exist, we were all coexisting in a different dimension as one entity of consciousness.

by MRANDERSON AKA JAY March 10, 2021

popanzoi flip

Do these in this exact order
1. inhale lighter gas
2. sniff leather glue ( prenandez )
3. take some mdma
4. drink a shit ton of beer and whiskey
5. take all of your antidepressants
6. take a huge shit
7. fuck your girlfriend

8. end up in a psych ward

He did a popanzoi flip and cried because his balls get cold when he s not high.

by omu' porc July 23, 2021

flip rip

The act of razzing someone because he/she still owns and operates a flip phone (RAZR, Motorola W755, etc.)

That chick flip ripped me when I pulled out my phone to get her number

by LoganDejobeBomaye April 14, 2011

Flip a Franklin

Casually dropping bills like it isn't even a damn thing.

Tipping well or serving face.

"Can you flip a Franklin, I'm low on rent." /Or/ "Loved the meal, I'm gunna flip 'em a Franklin."

by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023