When you improvise a robust thumb from Kentucky person to plug a hole.
Scott was playing with his .50 and it blew up. He could of died but luckily he had a Kentucky plug handy.
The act of shoving your thumb in any tight wet hole!
When my 50 exploded I had to give my throat the ol Kentucky plug!
Inserting your thumb into the asshole of your partner similar to how you stick your thumb into your jugular when the slap rounds I love a little bit too hot. Popularized by the popular YouTuber Kentucky ballistics
She getting the Kentucky plug Tonight!
When there’s a leak of any kind of fluid coming out of a human either good or bad and you use your thumb to slow the exit of fluid
“Bro she was squirting all night!”
“Did you give her that Kentucky Plug”
A sex act consisting of inserting one's thumb into any orifice of one's sexual partner; loosely inspired by an incident involving the YouTube Channel "Kentucky Ballistics" in which a .50 caliber rifle exploded as he fired it and he had to put his thumb into the injury on his neck to survive.
Hey bro, I gave that girl from the bar the Kentucky Plug last night and she loved it.
Putting your thumb in a asshole to prevent them from farting/sharting
Yeah i had to pull a kentucky plug last night to make it to the bathroom
The insertion of a thump in any natural or artificial orifice (gunshot).
We almost lost Kentucky ballistics but it's a good thing he used the old Kentucky plug to save his own life