when you use your dick to pick the right pussy
My dick dick picked the best puss in town
A sob pick is the last desperate shroom pick before first frost. The harvest usualy provides slim pickings for even the most skilled harvester. The prospect of there being no more crop until next year fills the hunter with woe.
Louie's face was soaked with tears while on his final desperate sob pick. There was no solace in the fact he had a stock pile of dry shrooms to last the year as he had eaten them all.
To pick up dog poop in the yard.
(Aubrey) Hey Gina, Dad says we need to smoodge pick today.
(Gina) But I picked up Ellie's poop yesterday!
Why? Is it because I'd be punching down?
Hym "Yes don't denigrate the warm wet hole you use to validate your superiority claim. No, I won't pick on women. Just let them do whatever they want. Lighter sentences. Let them fuck retards. They are better than everyone and more necessary. Protect them. You're not good enough to fuck them but you can pay taxes to feed the kids they shat out after fucking someone else. I'll just be cattle. I'll just generate money for the breeders. Be quiet (Unless my fleshy Gods allow me to speak). Work hard. Be friendly. And NEVER EVER rape and murder you kids. There should be a word for that! Like, laboring indefinitely regardless of your quality of life. Arbitrarily treated as an inferior as a direct result of immutable qualities. And then I just work indefinitely. The other slaves are fine. I should be fine too."
a stupid phrase a guy will use that makes no sense with anything but it has to do with a relationship??
"im not complaining just not up for pickings"
A meme where the noise from the 2023 indie game pizza tower calls the main protagonist peppino. With the ring tone being "Noise is calling pick up phone" repeated
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone