One step below Bush League
Donald's White House cabinet is horrible, they are so Trump League!
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Trump tweet- any offhand comment that is spoken or written before thinking it through.
I trump tweeted my mother-in-law and now she won't talk to me.
182๐ 5๐
This is the new 'politically correct' replacement for 'retard' that we have all been waiting for!
Yeah, *congratulations*, Trump Voter! You placed second in the Special Olympics!
346๐ 14๐
The perfect metaphor for the degradation of those who govern the U.S. nation from writers of The Declaration of Independence and Constitution to he whose tiny fingers pitter-patter misspelled, poorly punctuated, redundant, emotionally-charged, impetuous, and childish declarations of the president's dependence on strangers' approval for his expressions of ignorant egotism. Each authentic tweet is a representation of how the world at large has fallen into a state of such absurdity, that absurdity itself must transform because reality got too weird for anyone to know how to be funny anymore without the risk of their jokes becoming president.
"Wow this tweet actually sounds somewhat presidential."
"It must have been written by a staffer, no way is that a Trump Tweet!"
234๐ 8๐
Negative Insanity that you're forced to deal with every morning you wake up when Trump is president
I wonder what trump-fuckery we'll wake up to this morning!
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A sex act wherein a billionaire hires prostitutes to urinate on a bed once used by an enemy.
Olga performs a Trump shower for $5000 and a night at the Ritz Carlton.
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A playword on Donald Trump's name by combining the words "Donald" and "Retard", a mentally deranged person according to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Kim Jong Un calls Donald Trump a dotard and a mentally deranged person, the name Dotard Trump fits him perfectly.
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