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Chillin With Ya Girl

The one thing that every swagged out nigga does. If you call him and he doesnt answer, or cuts the calls short, that's more than likely what hes doing. Its a daily thing. You better believe that every time you arent home, or your Senorita goes shopping, or out with her friends, she's with one of those super swagged out niggas. And you better believe they're fucking. Yes!

Lame: *Call's Moe, Ant, or Rome

*Phone rings hella times

Moe: Hello?

Lame: Wasup dude, what's poppin'

*Bitches can be heard in the backround moaning and giggling

Moe: Shit, just kickin' it for real. Oh, and chillin with ya girl

*Hangs up phone, looks at Rome and Ant

Lame: Damn he just met her on monday, had her by tuesday and fucked her by friday..
Moe, Ant, and Rome: Yes!

by Moezis May 6, 2011

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

sho ya right

A slang way of saying "Sure, you're right"
Used to agre with someone

"His ride is tight as hell!"
"Sho ya right!"

by Ally June 24, 2004

96πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

running ya mouth

When you keep talking in a situation where it is best for you to be quiet. Basically, not knowing when the shut the fuck up.

Keep running ya mouth about the game you won 5 years ago and I'ma smash ya face in the yard.

by Keith Wigger the NIGGER April 27, 2008

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

ride ya home

1. response from southern folk to other southern folk when asked for a ride home.

2. a sexual act performed by a man and woman, when traffic is light, and no one cares if you swerve.

1.a- cooter asks,"enus can you ride me home? i'm fuck'd up?"
b-"sure i'll ride ya home, but you gotta give me gas money."

by imstilltruble May 25, 2008

23πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

scootch ya cooch

get the hell out da way... mostly used in a quick reaction to someone gettin in ur way.

if someone steals ur seat: scootch ya cooch fool.

by Hochef July 20, 2007

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

snap ya fingers

A song made by lil jon, in which he continuously reassures you that you can do this dance move all by ur self. he will 1st demostrate it for you, den he wants to watch you do it. yay! we've graduated kindergarden now.

Snap ya fingers
Do ya step
You can do it ALL BY YOURSELF
Lemme see you do it!

by iLoveMarcus September 5, 2006

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

how’s ya father

Australian slang, sort of a spin off of the saying how ya goin which is used when describing something of questionable traits.

β€œHow was the tinder date last night ?”
β€œyeah nah a bit how’s ya father”

by orangeCword December 5, 2017

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž