The biochemical reaction that causes one's emotions to go "I live for you and I hope you do the same for me" towards another.
The fatal flaw in the logic of romantic love is that it doesn't really matter what's on the inside if one can't get past a first look. Attraction isn't mystical, it's chemistry!
Level of Violence
A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.
(from the game undertale)
my love was 19 so sans gave me a bad time
It can and will kill you.
You: I was in love, now look at me.
A feeling that is in every heart, lost easily as well, and gained easily.
Something that you can express, feel, make, be in, etc. Love is a special thing that needs nurturing and compassion to thrive. To be in love is an amazing feeling that should make you feel there is something special or feel like someone else is special. Love gives a tickling feeling in your stomach, your shoulders, your knees, and your toes. To make love is to show it through actions and/or intercourse. Making love needs to be a special moment that you can share proudly between them. It's hitting a climax that truly shows that love. This action should be special, passionate, and cared for. It's, so special. Love is love.
I'm falling in love with them.
Love feels so weird.
Why is love so complicated?
May we make love?
Love isn't able to be defined using words.
It is beyond communication and logic... if it could be easily understood, it wouldn't be love.
Stop trying to understand love, and start living with it.
Where there is love, there is life.