A person who wears scrunchies and has two phrases in their vocabulary: “and i oop” and “sksksksk”.
someone with a serious mental disease
she has a hydro flask and a shit load of scrunchies she must be a VSCO girl
An annoying ass girl who wears scrunchies and walks around sksksking like an annoying bitch. Stop saying vsco girls are the class of 2023 girls cause it aint u dumb hoes. Basically wack ass peeps who think they all cute an shit but they just annoying as shit.
oh its a vsco girl, gag me
Those bitches who if you ever see them say and I oop or sksksks if they say those things you officially have the right to drop kick them out the window
You: Hey lily
VSCO girl Lily: skskskksksk
You:*drop kick them out the window*
A basic bitch of a white girl, or alternatively, a rapidly increasing subspecies of the basic girl. Commonly associated with the phrases "and I oop!" and "sksksks". Can be seen wearing scrunchys, oversised shirts, shorts (usually ones that cannot be seen, due to it being covered by the large shirt), a shell choker, and Vans, or Birks shoes, or crocs. Can also be seen holding a hydroflask, at least 99.9% of the time. Favorite car is often a jeep. And of course, uses the app VSCO.
VSCO Girl: "And I oop! Sksksksksksksksk!"
Me (and everyone else): SHUT UP!!!!11!!!!!11!!1!
A VSCO girl is a annoying person who says skksks and I oop SKSKSKKS They have hydroflask,pukashell necklaces, scrunchies etc. Also they love turtles
scrunchies, oversized t-shirts, birkenstocks, shell necklaces, hydroflasks, says sksksks and and i oop misinformed about how to save the turtles.
did you see bethany today? she was wearing birkenstocks and a shell necklace, she must be a vsco girl now!