What you say in an extremely shocking moment.
Person 1: ''Look! I changed my face!''
Person 2: ''Y gmuh9ex-8y,8h23úç-,c0 ,m89-wnxmdyded9-w!''
Person 1: ''Yes! That's right, mate.''
Best rapper alive (Wayki in Quechua means brother/friend)
Did you hear Y. Kee's last song?
I'm with my Waykis
The awkward sound one makes when playing one of the many Sporcle quizzes that require this mother of a word- Kyrgyzstan.
Name countries that begin with a K.
"Oh, I know this one, but I can't spell it!"
"Dude, its totally Kur-guh-y-iz-stan!"
I love the DJ A*S*Y*S… my parents don’t know that the name means acid save your soul
hnhnyyhjn y yttgrtfrgcdjhkjuvjbb iknbikf is ...... i dont know