Source Code

y gmuh9ex-8y,8h23úç-,c0 ,m89-wnxmdyded9-w

What you say in an extremely shocking moment.

Person 1: ''Look! I changed my face!''

Person 2: ''Y gmuh9ex-8y,8h23úç-,c0 ,m89-wnxmdyded9-w!''

Person 1: ''Yes! That's right, mate.''

by you think i am serious June 22, 2021

Y. Kee

Best rapper alive (Wayki in Quechua means brother/friend)

Did you hear Y. Kee's last song?
I'm with my Waykis

by yoyoykee May 24, 2023


The awkward sound one makes when playing one of the many Sporcle quizzes that require this mother of a word- Kyrgyzstan.

Name countries that begin with a K.
"Oh, I know this one, but I can't spell it!"
"Dude, its totally Kur-guh-y-iz-stan!"

by potoftiggers April 12, 2010

y rl

you are lame

Using that door means y rl

by SeattleNative April 22, 2024

y rl

you are lame

She knows that you like her but she thinks y rl

by SeattleNative April 22, 2024


acid save your soul

I love the DJ A*S*Y*S… my parents don’t know that the name means acid save your soul

by icecoldblizzard July 28, 2022

hnhnyyhjn y yttgrtfrgcdjhkjuvjbb iknbikf

WOW you're really bored

hnhnyyhjn y yttgrtfrgcdjhkjuvjbb iknbikf is ...... i dont know

by vin.69 September 21, 2021