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the funny number

oh i have 69$ in my wallet
aha nice

by LittlebigDick2 February 25, 2021


The best fish dish at Szechuan Gourmet in New York City

Can we please get a 69.

by Reyan Seekrest December 30, 2017



69 nice dude

by khdfkjdfkkjhdf November 9, 2021


A number that is used by 12 year olds who think it’s funny because it’s associated with sex.

The 6 is a female, where the head is a circle, and the feet are at the top.

The 9 is a male, where, just like the female, the head is a circle and the feet are at the bottom.

People (12 year olds) think it’s associated with sex because, it looks as if the male (9) is carrying the female while licking her vagina and the female (6) is sucking the man’s penis, cock, schlong, etc...

The number was also a meme, where the number “69” would show and someone would be saying “Nice”. It’s truly stupid and not funny at all, and I feel sorry for the next generation. And I hope they won’t think of stupid memes like this and something more funny.

Brainless Person: “69”
Everyone: “N I C E”

by Dunkle1 November 3, 2019


A number you horny perv.

69. Nice

by cuber69420 May 18, 2022


A number you horny pervert


by cuber69420 May 17, 2022


An english word that substitutes for the word “ Jesus

Person a: “PRAISE 69 (sixty nine)
Person b:OUR LORD OUR SAVOIR 69 (sixty nine)

by Audi— March 23, 2022