Source Code

Lick em split

Everyone gets one card and counts down 3-2-1 LICK EM SPLIT!
someone holding a jack MUST yell jacks off rocks off!
lowest card wins
aces always win

if 2 people tie for first they each get 3 cards and add them all up, lowest number wins, if they have an ace, they win instantly
if 2 people tie with aces, its a 5 on 5 and its the same as above, if they each have aces again, it goes into double jeopardy tiedown, which is a 10 on 10 duel.
lick em split is best enjoyed with penises and other crude drawings on the cards.
you can make your own special set decks and shit too if you feel like it! goood for tripping on lsd
ke$ha plays lick em split as well
mexicans and coons prolly wont like this game

friend 1:"Hey guys wanna play Lick em split?!?!"

i just so happen to have king dong, LICK EM SPLIT!!!!

by tteh king of lick em split November 11, 2010

25πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Queer Licking

Queer Licking is condition where someone has an overwhelming urge to lick homosexuals; it is not being gay. A Queer Licker is someone who has this condition. Of course there is Queer Liquor but that’s a different story.

Donny is a Queer Licker or Hey Faggot Let's Lick some Queers

by Dudeboy October 6, 2003

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Dick Pussy Lick

When sexual intercourse is happening and a person will lick the dick and the pussy together.
in basic terms,it is a threesome

Guy:Holy crap dude!I just preformed a Dick Pussy Lick last night with Jennifer and Samantha!
Guy 2:Omygawd I am so doing that this Friday Night

by CumSomeCumDud October 14, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lick her butthole

The ultimate hottie! Someone who is sexy enough for you to want to lick her butthole!

"Was she hot?" "Dude, I'd lick her butthole anytime!"

by RoRubio10 June 11, 2014

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Licking My Shorts

Said when you gotta dump real bad and there's no where to go and the turd is just about out the ass and its touchin the underpants.

Dude, I got somethin licking my shorts, gotta go.
prairie dogging

by poopman9615 October 17, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A lesbian dinosaur old ass lesbians stone age pussy eating dirty butt sluts

look at them old stone age ass lesbians bitches
I bet they lick-a-lot-a-puss

by donnie123h November 20, 2007

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Triple dog lick

The triple dog lick, sexual technique is one that is unmatched in power and emotion. This secret technique, once learned the meaning, it cannot be told or taught to anyone except once a month(The 11th of the month, preferably.) you could only teach it to one person a month as well.
This the the craziest sex move that exists today, and possibly for all time. The effort it takes to learn how to do this sexual experience is practically impossible, and extreme. People who learn what it means and how to do it must honor the code of the triple dog lick, and not spread it

Yo did you triple dog lick last night??
Are you kidding me! that could kill a man! dangerous stuff bro!

by Kingshlong1 March 17, 2009

53πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž