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A boomer is usually an old person who is really annoying!

"wow! Ella's such a boomer!"

by Ayee_oops February 23, 2020


A fat cock

Ok boomer

by Sluner November 18, 2019



Mac is such a damn boomer

by speaksen October 22, 2019


Boomers Plural of Boomer, Are a type of homo sapiens that don’t understand modern things like memes. Thus, they are considered Boomers.

Back in my day we didn’t have these- Ok Boomer

by SquidyZ January 27, 2020


Mom and dad

Mom: hey son watch ya doin there
Son: playin call of duty with the boys why?
Mom: can u pause the game and come eat

Son: mom... this...is...an...online...GAME I CANT FckING PAUSE THE FCKING GamE YOU BoOMER

by FatjojoSiwa March 6, 2021


The first boomer! Rick Eisenhauer

Yeah ok boomer

by McMakinBacon January 6, 2020


An old person that thinks they know everything or doesn’t know anything about this generation or millennials at all

Boomer: what does omg mean
Millennial: it means oh my god

Boomer: okay thank you

Millennial: no problem boomer🤣

by A millennial July 15, 2020