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break her back

When you hitting it from the back and givin that A1 dick that fire dick

I told that hoe to come over so I can break her back

by Tryme116 January 4, 2018

169πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Breaking the fourth wall

"The fourth wall" is the wall that separates fictional worlds from reality, so breaking the fourth wall is basically saying that you know that there's another universe outside of the fictional one.
Deadpool does this alot

Deadpool: "A message to all the kids out there, cover your eyes if ya don't wanna be scarred for life, eh?" (shoots someone)
Me: Quit breaking the fourth wall, dude

by Lolliepuff December 26, 2014

513πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

break up box

Box of miscellaneous items belonging to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend left at your house after a breakup. This box of stuff may be returned, or may be held hostage until they return your breakup box.

I'm not giving that bitch her breakup box till I get my comic books back!

by Trasaris August 1, 2005

38πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Break the chain off it

Having sex with a milf or cougar who has kept that pussy behind rusty gates for a while -- metaphorically speaking. If the milf or cougar in question has literally kept the pussy behind rusty gates, you do not want to break the chain off it.

Stevie Nicks? You know it's been a while, but I'd definitely break the chain off it.

by JoggletheHuttDon'tPlay June 11, 2015

break a butterfly on a wheel

To use excessive force to accomplish something that can be done with far less.

Break a butterfly on a wheel: Sending a SWAT team to deal with a fifteen year old kid disturbing the peace by having his music turned up too loud.

The original phrase "Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?" was a line from the poem "Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot”, which referenced an ancient torture method known as the β€œbreaking wheel” or β€œCatherine wheel”.

by |SaltyJack| August 31, 2019

break your back

When someone is really good at sex and leaves you sore the next day

I can break your back girl

by ommnigga October 5, 2015

361πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Fall Break

The best time to Facebook Stalk people. Usually during the month of October. Also includes stalking hipsters.

Megan and Kelly look forward to fall break,

by brohan05 October 16, 2009

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž