When someone posts a random question and the comments are full of wrong answers by everybody, including me, and the original poster never comes back to the comments with the REAL answer.
Dang, did Scoob ever come back with an answer to that post that got like, 200 comments?
Nah... he smoked a bunch of homegrown and forgot what the original answer was... it was, "A Hanging-Chad,"...
A Football Fusion tech that retarded new gens use
TheGlobalQBbuddy: Omg I death boosted with chad tech!
d0gexz: nigga what
a holy god macha chad is even a better than a giga chad because even if he/she does something like furry porn the father will never get the milk
Mike: hey see that holy god macha chad luke: yea what about him? Mike: i heard he did furry porn did still the father never left! Luke: wow...
Jamie Chad owns the world recorded for world's biggest pound for pound head
Jamie Chad has a massive head
A person with such a large sex appeal that no mortal can match or resist
"Sorry Charlie, but Chad Wu-Ching can't stop his sex appeal."
Wanting a significant other and going to social enviroments just to sit in the corner on your phone
Dude did you see Dave Pulling a Chad again even though Vanessa was eyeing him all night