When you take your hand and put it in the freezer, then jerk off with it.
Bro I just gave my self a l artic chill last night. I froze my hand and jerked off with it.
Person who takes all the chill.
Joey was so stoned he forgot to pass the bowl. I was like "Joey...don't be a chill hog..."
When someone takes a dead body home and has sex with it
I'm going to go dig that dead body up and Necro&chill
Slang term for a woman masturbating.
The other day I asked a girl "Would you like to Netflix and chill". She replied "No, I'm staying home by myself tonight".
I guess she's more into Netflick and chill.
The act of taking Xanax and preceding to Netflix and chill
Hey! Come over to xanflix and chill!
Similar to Netflix and chill but for Indians in Canada using the illegal IPTV box.
Did you know Raj and Gurpreet were doing IPTV and Chill in the basement the other day?