Worthless trash, meant to be thrown straight in the trash can.
I have a master's degree and i work at Domino's, boy do i regret going to college. My college degree is trash.
1)the ultimate distraction during school for those bimbos who could give a shit about education.
2)the spot you go when the teacher is pissing you the fuck off
"Dude, where are you going, its the middle of science class?" "I'm off to bimbo college man, fuck class"
A white person in University who's been filled with cum.
"That Uber driver I teased on the way home last night came back after his last ride and turned me into a college twinkie."
Mentor College is a school located in the heart of port credit. It strives to serve as a university prep school, even though that's kind of stupid because we are not in university. They give us the number of assignments, exams, and tests as a university would. Half the students don't even make it to university because they either kill themselves due to stress, and low grades, or they weren't able to finish the year with a high average due to not being able to keep up with the stupid amount of homework. This school is also notorious for having now snow days no madder the amount, if this school sees or notices and smiles or fun going on around the campus that is an automatic detention. 70% of the students are Asian transfer students and 20% are Arabic immigrants. This school doesn't have a football team even though they have uprights. They pick their sports teams based on attitude and not skill. There is downright zero high school spirit that goes on in the school, due to all the students shitting themselves to get above a 60% on their next math test. The overall average of students is about a 70, this school should rethink the difficulties of their courses, and the way they run their school. They do have a swimming pool, and a cool field. I go to this school, and I can tell you from experience it is shit, I am not getting into any university.
Jimmy: Hey you wanna hangout tonight, Bob
Fred: Jimmy remember? Bob killed himself
Jimmy: Awww, how come?
Fred: He goes to Mentor College
stuck up petty rich kids that think they are cool.
grammar college have so many rich petty kids
college you you go to to learn about how to eat chicken the best
I went to Chicken college and learned how to strip a chicken wing in 5 seconds.
Where those whose seek to learn to keister professionally go. Also known as prison.
DrPhil- Man sure is quiet around here with Gregor gone.
Krystola- His ass needs to go to keistering College(secretly shes thinking I hope he gets home soon)
DrPhil- Damn! Really?