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Listen, I just want to start out by saying, emo is not a way to get attention. Emo is not a brand of music. Emo is not skinny jeans and ripped converse. Emo is not dyed black hair covering the face. Emo is emotional. Emo people aren't doing it for attention (well real emos don't) they do it to see if anyone cares. If there is anyone who gives a crap about their life. If no one is there then they commit suicide. Emo is a way of dealing with problems. The pain of cuts distract the pain from the rest of the world as The blood washes it away. So the next time you call someone a poser or drama queen, think about what they are going through.

Emo means emotional, not skinny jeans and black dyed hair.

by smiling yet dying November 21, 2009

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Drama queen, moody teenager style

When the school day was disrupted by a fire drill Jason got so emo. drama melodramatic

by Kfern September 22, 2015

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• Emo. A over sensitive kid who wears hoodies everyday, the same black ripped jeans, has cuts anywhere imaginable, can quote on quote “roast you from anywhere”. They’re mostly gays, bisexuals, and tranny’s. Some take jokes to far and then cry about it. They’re hard to be friends with. Also they hate everything and person around them. OH AND DONT FORGET THEIRSELVES. Oh boy they realllly hate theirselves. They blame other people for their problems. That’s all.

Kid: “jenny when are ypu going to cut your hair?”
Emo kid: “when are you going to care about yourself more than other people?”
Kid: “I could ask the same question.”
Emo kid: *sits in their seat and cries the whole period while writing their feelings down*

by The bigger douche December 19, 2017

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"emo" is short for emotional and does NOT mean you cut your self and hate your life, some emos may cut them selfs but if you had been through what they have been through you would to

emo's tend to have longer more meaningful relationships because they are more "emotional"

by emo kid 117 July 17, 2012

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Well, there are two types of emo. There are the people who really appreciate the style, then there are the people who try to act emo to be cool or something. These people who pretend to be emo are called posers, and have now ruined the name of being emo, and a lot of other things. No, emo people are not depressed. Depressed people have nothing to do with being emo.

The difference between emo and poser:

Me: I didn't know you like Avril Lavigne! She's my favorite singer.
Poser: I kno! She's lyke totalli punk! I luv gyrlfrend!

Random stranger: Are you depressed or something?
REAL emo person: No... Why do I look like it?

by Buffy Fan February 22, 2011

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Emos are stereotyped as people who have dark hair (usually black) that covers most of their face, they wear black eyeliner,black nail polish,converse,skinny jeans or"girl pants",&tight shirts(usually band t's).People think they listen to bands considered to be"emo"&think emos are depressed all the time&are suicidal&self-harm..Totally untrue.Not all emos are like that.Emos are people who feel emotions very strongly.Hint: emo=emotion.Whether it be happy,sad,mad, etc.They listen to whatever they want to&they don't have to dress or look a certain way!Yes, a lot of them may look like a stereotypical emo kid, but they're just wearing what they want. Sometimes they express themselves through clothing and makeup.Others do the same thing.Also,not all emos cut.Some do,some don't.Cutting(one of the many forms of Self-Harm),beingsuicidal,writing,going off alone,anything else you all would label as"emo"behaviors,they do it as a way to express their emotion or release what they feel&just because someone cuts it doesn't mean they're emo(people do it to cope with depression, just like people use alcohol to cope with it,and they need help.So next time you hear of someone harming themselves,think twice before you call them"a whiny emo fag"or something because that's what bullies do and we all need to stop bullying).Not all emos listen to"emo"bands and singers and wear dark clothing all the time and darkmakeup and shitand are depressed all the time. Stop stereotyping people.

Me: "If you all can't see what emo is by reading my definition, then I don't know what to do.
Two things I'd like to say though:
1.) Stop stereotyping people.
2.) Stop bullying emos...And don't just stop bullying emos. Stop bullying gays, people with disabilities, people you all label as 'nerds', people who self harm...Stop bullying EVERYONE. You don't know what people are going through. Their lives are hard enough and they don't need you to make it worse because you could drive them to suicide (which isn't funny AT ALL)."

by Angel Without Wings February 7, 2018

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A group of people who seem to have forgotten that children are starving to death in third world countries.

I smacked the emo upside the head for his insinuation that he had "the worst life ever"

by BojanglesMcNugget November 7, 2010

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