when you use this word the other person needs to repond
then you have to link this with a human action like first one to laugh,talk,move is gay you always have to put is gay at the end at all cost.
English or spanish. they respond -english. whoever moves first is gay
1👍 2👎
English or Spanish. A TikTok meme that went viral this summer. Basically someone asks English or Spanish and once they answer u say. “First person to move is gay” usually to the song static by Steve Lacy, and everyone freezes. Unless u openly gay
Person 1: English or Spanish?
Person 2: uh… i guess English.
Person 1: first person to move is gay!
(Everyone freezes until the first person to move moves)
A joke said to a person or group of people usually in a mall followed with who ever moves first is gay
The man: English or Spanish?
The victim or victims: English/Spanish (depending on the person)
The man: who ever moves first is gay/Quien se mueve primero es gay.
The victim: *frozen*
Isslie Ebonics, too dam broke tho, mor so thear da shit.
"They speak in non-plain english when theres Chainz din Fi-Ah". Ekskuz my tung sol, but i kant go round givn them Nok toomuh noledge
Broken English which is spoken in a professional tone/casual tone. This is also commonly spoken by non native English speakers.
Guy: Yo what's good?
Borat: It is good.
Guy: What's your name?
Borat: My name Borat.
Guy: Hello.
Indo-Pakistani: Helloo.
Guy: ...
Indo-Pakistani: Why very quiet?
"It appears we have come across Borati English."
When a gentleman, or a bloke, places his dingus on the shoulder of another person as a form of endearing greetings.
I was on the train cart and recognized a long time champ I have not seen in ages , so I put my dingus on his shoulder and he instantly recognized me! That's an English handshake. Anything else is an insult to the relationship and should result in a duel.
Five English Pounds is a not with a £ and a 5 on it used for buying stuff
I'm going to TESCO with my 5 English Pounds.