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A game that makes you really depressed

People say I need Jesus because I play Fortnite

by CrackingSkull March 28, 2018

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One of the main reasons 2018 should never have happened. Among others... (like, no nut November...etc)

Friend: hey u wanna play FOOORTNIIITE?
Me: shut the fuck up.

Friend:Fortnite sucks...
Me: No wonder we're friends

by BrokenFortress December 2, 2018

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The stupid shooter game that no one will Shut the fuck up about. I rate it -100000000000/100

Dude 1: Hey Man wanna play fortnite
Dude 2: Shut up, fortnite suck, die.

by reapapyrus November 25, 2020

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a game that autistic 9 year olds and in rare cases, autistic 12 year olds love but it will kill them from the inside and they will lose all social skills

miss, im afraid your son has a bad case of fortnite,

by battleroyaleboi420 November 10, 2018

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The shittiest game of all time

If you play this video game you will lose all your friends

Person 1:Hey wanna play some fortnite

Person 2:No it’s fucking trash

Person 1:No it’s not

Person 2:What about Minecraft?

Person 1:That’s a kids game tho

You cannot reply to this convosation

by P3AKFR3AK July 27, 2019

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fortnite a game maost coomonly played by virgins wih no lives who have blue hair and still live in their mums basment

hey wannna paly fortnite

by hsw8adncdi September 27, 2018

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a fps shooter game that has developers that give no fuck to the players.

Epic games: "Adds B.R.U.T.E"
Players: Its too op can you remove it?
Epic Games: No, go and fuck yourself.
Fortnite is gay ;D

by autisticbertan August 13, 2019

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