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Joey Joke

A joey joke is when somebody says an outdated or really unfunny joke. Examples of Joey jokes include but are not limited to saying sussy, a poop joke, anything related to among us, the whopper song, or just anything everyone can unanimously agree is incredibly unfunny.

Person 1: I'ma fuck the shit out of you
Person 2: Woah sussy
Person 3: Who tf says sussy? Joey joke.

by JoeyJokes420 August 13, 2023

Joey Joke

A joke so ass not a single person laughs

“Why did the football coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback!”
“Shut the fuck up that was a joey joke”

by Incredibly gay February 7, 2022

Joey Morgan

High proficiency in always being right about whatever topic is in debate.

Joey Morgan is always right.

by Jogym September 15, 2022

Joey Davison

The myth the man the legend.

Incomparable to Joey Davison.

by Mathew Greene May 24, 2022

Joey Reed

An annoying guy, but he is a gamer. He needs to brush his teeth, but can be nice at times.

yo dude, look over there. Its Joey Reed.

yoooo wassup.

by YOOO9875345 May 7, 2021

Joey gibson

Joey- a very unfunny human

Omg, why do you have to be such a Joey gibson bro

by BarryMcCockener November 22, 2020

Joey Kane

A pretty swell fella, and Kenzies best friend. Kenzie is very excited to get to hangout and drink American honey and watch stupid tik toks. Also he should really stop listening to blue skies by MGK so much. Love you dude

That guy Joey Kane is famous he’s on Urban dictionary!!

by Ken120 January 25, 2022