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3 knuckle shuffle

Another term for female masterbation see also flick the bean

"Nah, I'm sorry Linda, I can't hang out tonight. I had a bad day. I think I'm just going to go home, do the 3 knuckle shuffle and go to bed."

by Jen February 28, 2004

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cinnamon knuckle twister

When you fingerbang a mexican girl so deep that your nuckles massage her clitoris.

Me: how was your night with Juanita?
Renzoni: It was great, I gave her a stinky cinnamon knuckle twister

by Mr.Prosciutto October 21, 2011

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Sticky Moose Knuckle

When a man originally born and raised in Canada balls his hand into a fist, pours a reasonable amount of Aunt Jemima's Maple Syrup onto his knuckles, and shoves them inside of a woman's vagina.

"I met this keener of a broad last night at the pub and gave her the ol' Sticky Moose Knuckle eh?

by Happy Puppies December 29, 2018

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mexican fuck knuckles

When a large mexican man shoves his knuckles violently in the (mexican) females vagina, and spins his hand around counter clock wise, as if he were opening a jar of jelly. Then he takes his other hand, and opens up more space to then stick his penis in and masturbate. with both hands.

what the fuck is with these crazy boarder hoppers doing all these mexican fuck knuckles in gas stations.

by Fuckin' lol November 14, 2011

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5 knuckle shuffle

to: shake hands with the devil
self pollute
self harm
choke the chicken
releive ones self

Gill: whats wrong Bob? Do you want me to perform fellatio to you again?

Bob: Fuck no, ur teeth grind me bell like a cheese grater, u fukin whore, get out, il have a 5knuckle shuffle instead

by 7clayton7 July 24, 2005

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Kansas Knuckle Twister

To rapidly twist your wrist while fisting someone's ass. With enough kansas knuckle twisters an anus will begin to resemble that of the goatse.cx guy.

Becky's anus expanded to 3 times its orginal size after an intensive kansas knuckle twister session.

by your mother lolz June 19, 2008

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second knuckle deep

When a person inserts the finger into the caboose till the second knuckle is hidden by the rim.

Chris goes second knuckle deep while wiping his ass, not on accident.

by bigdaddyln June 10, 2008

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