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Creatures of the Night

Pronunciation: krΓͺ'cher ΓΉv thΓͺ nīt Function: Noun
1: Plural form of Creature of the Night which is a Colloquium to cover any single entity of a large collection of real, unreal, and supernatural animals and things that are nocturnal in their behavior. Also includes "things that go bump in the night" The thing in the Closet or under the Bed".
This is by no means a complete list and isn't meant to be, but will give you the general idea:, all the various Undead that are believed to exist or have existed (you know, like Vampires, Zombies, Mummy's, Golem's-like Frankenstein's monster, etc…), Many forms of Low life humans, including Sluts, brawlers, cutpurses, thugs, bouncers, doormen, Whore's, Streetwalkers, Pimps, Prostitutes and Bad Musicians (and even a few good ones).

That band is made up of creatures of the night

by lord X-treme November 20, 2006

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Night on the tiles

A night on the tiles refers to pubs in Sydney Australia. There was a law many years ago that mandated closing of the pubs at 6 pm. The men working locally got off work at 5 pm and needed to drink as much beer as they could in 1 hour. If they lost their spot at the bar to use the toilet, they would lose their chance to drink... causing them to relieve themselves where they stood. After time, the wood foundation of the pub smelled really bad and the wood rotted. The pub owners did repairs and put ceramic tiles up where needed... so they could hose down the waste ... thus drinking heavily.. and a night on the tiles

Join me for a night on the tiles..

by PAS17 June 17, 2017

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Servant of The Night

"A Prostitute" ie:Lady of the night

Mary worked as a servant of the night to pay for college.

by El Burro January 20, 2004

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Gruk Night

a Gruk night would be if all of us Gruks would hook up at the same night, possibly at the same time.

lets say 4 guy friends go to a party these would be the Gruks...
it would be a Gruk night if all of them hooked up at the same time or at least 3/4 of them and sometimes another one

by grukster4lyfe November 13, 2010

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ladies of the night

a group of crazy drug addict with nothing else to do then drink every hour of the day, not work, snort coke, have sex for drugs and to fill the pain they're fathers have caused them. they also cause drama to themselves so they have something to cry about in a weekly blog.

ladies of the night on myspace.com

by fuel to fire October 31, 2006

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bad night

People uses "bad night" when they have improper sleep over the night.

I had a bad night.

by dkumars December 8, 2013

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Night Tiger

The night tiger is the deadliest creature known to mankind. Known to strike during a full moon, the night tiger erect can tower over the tallest of Norwegians. He is known to be harder than titanium steel.

A wild man was yelling "What the Heck" while shooting his powerful money shot on the young woman's face. The Night Tiger strikes again.

by OmegaWolf101 March 13, 2015

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