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1. Often used as a word for a short or everyday conversation
2. Used to refer to something a person doesn’t know the name of
3. Somewhere a group of people can speak (virtually)
4. (Subculture) mocking streamers by identifying friends or an audience as “chat” as if the situation was virtual

1. “Oh yeah, Greg and I had a nice chat today”
2. “What is this chat on the floor?”
3. “If you want to get Hailey’s attention you can type in the chat”
4. “Chat, which color should I choose”
Something also very commonly used as a joking matter is “chat, is this real?” Which follows the definition of ‘4’

by D2n3isT July 7, 2024


Nouha tabbouch

Nouha tabbouch is such a chat bitch

by Missus toxic September 26, 2019


Used to adress a person or group of people instead of using “squad”, “gang”, “bro”, or “dude”.

Chat is this real”

Whats up chat
“Chat what just happened

by imalwsysright September 23, 2023


A fourth person pronoun. one of the first of its type. often used by younger people or those with little to no sense of humor.

"Okay chat, that was weird"
"who the fuck is chat?"

by Orangepotatos December 4, 2023


The word kids use when they are talking to either friends, or nobody. Usually, streamers use it to talk to their live chat.

"Chat, what the hell is that."

by Pmmmimimimiqskada February 28, 2024


a chat is when you're obsessed with masta and you're skinny but call yourself fat and still manages to pull no bitches

Don't be a CHAT. CHAT is such a loser

by right! August 26, 2022


masta makes her think he’s in love with her but unfortunately, masta suffers from multiple personality’s disorder and many other issues but chat still is in love with masta

"dang, you're really acting like chat right now" "why is chat so obsessed with masta

by right! August 26, 2022