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Chicken nuggets

The greatest food in the world made with chicken.It is then baked in a oven and put in your mouth.You chew it and you are in food heaven a place you can go to feel like you are in heaven in the amazing MC Donald

Im hungry
Oh really wanna grab some chicken nuggets

by The pig September 29, 2021

Chicken nuggets

Chicken Nuggets are type of plants that usually grow in McDonald’s Follow my instagram: @_daniel._.2k18_

Sarahah: Do u want to go eat some chicken nuggets?
David : yeh u bitch

by MyPseudonym my friend May 23, 2018

Chicken Nugget

A very beautiful delicacy made in only a few minutes. Often in its original form, it can also be in the shapes of extinct beast creatures far more past than our existence, like a dinosaur. It also comes with other shapes of other creatures only intellects will understand like a rhino, chicken, dog, etc..

Jacob, the spoiled fat 3rd grader, exclaimed, "CHICKEN NUGGETS ARE MY LIFE!!!"

by ThatGuyThatComesOutOfNowhere February 5, 2020

chicken nuggets

a food made from chicken

I love chicken nuggets

by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh February 16, 2022

1👍 1👎

Chicken Nuggets

Why in the world would you search up for the definition for chicken nuggets? Why am I making a definition for it? I DON´T KNOW!!!! Here, definition for chicken nuggets: A food made of processed ground chicken that´s usually meant for eating. NOW STOP READING THIS.

Person 1: Hey want some cHicKeN nUgGEtS wiTh sOme Sweet aNd sOuR sAuCe?

Person 2: Screw you

by IAmUnknownWhatsWrongWithThat March 18, 2021

Chicken nugget

A chicken nugget is a fast food commonly found in McDonald's, burger king, and Wendy's. It's one of the best foods there is and in YouTube, there is a song about it by Nick Bean.

" I want a 10 piece chicken nuggets please"

by Monkeybussines March 4, 2017

chicken nugget

chicken nugget are a word 9 year old cant shut up about


by siktrixter October 8, 2019