fucking hell, where do i even begin on this one? the term "Blam Spot" has a figurative meaning, but essentially it's the same as calling someone the n word, or "f" slur, not fuck of course, he gives ZERO fucks about ANYTHING, or ANYONE!. Blam Spot is the pinnacle of villianry, what is villianry? well, dr doofenshmirtz would know. If you ever see blam spot, tell him to go fuck himself and retire the tiny c*t, fuck him
Blam Spot just made a tribute unit that wasn't supposed to get re rolls top 1 meta!, for fuck sake Blam Spot, why are you such a fucking -A BC homosapien, you fucking monkey!
the act of hiding out of sight, like bird watching; you set your sights on finding the most downsyndromie specimens.
me and the boys make weekly trips to Auckland, New Zealand to get a fine dose of syndrome spotting.
Simon has a massive bald spot and needs help
Keshav: Simons bald spot is so hot
Lincoln: You know it i would lick his bald spot
its the action of playing a game that includes bean bags, and planks of wood. it is some what like corn holes but better. when you are drunk you can call it corn spots.
yo, i really want to play corn spot at this hour while drinking numerous brews.
Water spots occur when you wash your cars windshield with hard water.. or something , and don't squeegee it off. Its similar to seman spots on a black shirt.
Dude, you got water spots on your windshield..... just like I left your mom last night after the funeral.
Spot baiting is the act of putting someone in the spotlight to see who will accuse or attack them when they are in a position of power. Will also highlight those who will be supportive.
“Man, that guy was a victim of spot baiting when his friend got nominated. He come from nowhere with accusations.”
It’s not your balls and it’s not your ass. It’s the spot in between
Don’t mess with my notcha spot during a blow job. It makes me uncomfortable.