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Perfect pitch

That rare case when you drop a deuce with such precision that when you wipe, the toilet paper comes away absolutely clean.

Oh, man! Last night i went to wipe but the paper came back clean... PERFECT PITCH BABY!

by Dconnor December 9, 2017

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Toyland Perfection

The newest of the "myspace perfection groups". This group has already become one of the hardest groups to get into. If you aren't in this group, then you aren't considered "Elite". This is the "IT" group of 2010. Their members are extremely attractive but some of them are a bit photoshopped. Their slogan is "The Elite. The Beautiful. The Perfect".

This group is considered just as good, if not better than AP, IQ, VIP, & APEX.

"Can you nominate me for Toyland? I want to be in it so badly!"

"I got denied from Toyland Perfection for the 3rd time! :("

by tpfan May 6, 2010

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Perfect Relationship

The perfect relationship requires three things.....having the best sex, being best friends and having a similar outlook on life.

Even if you have two of the three things, that relationship will not be completely satisfying and probably will not last.

You have the best sex and are best friends but dont have a similar outlook on life.......it's not a perfect relationship and probably will not last!

You are best friends and have a similar outlook on life but dont have the best sex......it's not a perfect relationship and probably will not last!

You have the best sex and have a simlar outlook on life but are not best friends......it's not a perfect relationship and probably will not last!

by Archeo Bob August 24, 2009

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The Perfect Arse

A 30 degree concave chunk of fine-ised smooth warm flesh.

La derrier perfect!

by Big Dave (Yeah Go on MUG ME) February 25, 2004

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Perfect Game

When your having perfect doggystyle sex with a hot-ass beezy. You give her 27 pumps of perfection; same number of batters a pitcher must face to get a perfect game. After the 27th pump, you pull out, if your wearing a condom, take it off, if not don't worry, and blow your load straight into the air, allowing it to get hangtime before landing on the girl's back.

I gave Mrs. Abbott a Perfect Game!

by Pvt. Twitchy April 29, 2007

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perfect balance

Perfectly balanced both sides of all aspects of life. In Internet it is mostly used to describe when the number of likes and dislikes on any content are equal.

"Perfect balance, as all things should be." - Thanos

by Frenrix December 7, 2020

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The perfect stranger

It's much like the stranger technique but more advanced. When performing the stranger, one sits on their hand until it falls asleep then "rubs one out" so it feels like someone else giving you a handjob. Using this technique one lays on their stomach until their genitals fall asleep then "rubs one out" to simulate giving someone else a handjob.

Cromer had never had the perfect stranger but once he tried it, he agreed that it really was like giving some else a handjob.

by Crommer the gap toothed pirate October 23, 2016

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