A move commonly used by retards directly after witnessing their non retarded siblings play Super Smash Bros. This move is generally used in combination with retard rage and retard strength. Pretty much it when the tard in question starts smashing shit for no reason other than pure retard enjoyment.
Hey Billy what the hell is your retarded brother doing with the kitchen table over his head? Oh, he's just doing some retard smashing. Retard smashing? Yeah he's all retard raging and picking up heavy shit and smashing it... Don't worry he won't hurt you!
the realm of retardation discord server is fuckin cool
Someone too stupid to tell what's real and what's not.
Someone who believes everything is factual that they see on reality TV shows.
Someone who believes what they see on History Channel is fake and E! is real.
A person of low intelligence who lives in a fantasy world.
My reality retard sister can't get enough of the reality shows.
The retarded slut had sex with 6 men, what a retarded slut.
when one is so retarded they surpass the typical level of stupid. common slang is "turbo tard".
1) "Jimmy you fucking idiot! Why did you fuck my sister you fuck turbo tard!"
2) Michael got hit by a bus and now he is turbo retarded.
one who isnt a total spaz but basically acts pretty stupid and/or like a tard.
* when Mark threw the wild bear a sandwich I was certain he was a partial retard.